
What an exciting year 2019 is going to be! There is every reason to make the most of it. I am sure you agree. And, if you are reading this, you have already made the decision to find your own personal path to success. I hope I am part of that path.

Right from the start, my whole intention has been to find ways of weaving and blending the ancient Divination Art of Tarot into modern day perspectives and applications. To that end, I specialize in Tarot Readings for Artists, Athletes and other people on life paths of Creative Expression. These are the folks who, in many ways, set the tone for the rest of society – taking the energies of inspiration and intuition and bringing them, in whatever manifestation their creative expression determines, into the physical world. I count myself among these folks, and my life experiences (including being a Musician, a Master Craftsman and an Athlete) have been centered on the pathways where success is achieved and where problems or blockages are resolved. That is why I specialize.

That being said, the Tarot is impartial – all the questions and concerns of my Clients are equally important. Questions about Love, Career, Life Purpose, etc., are all welcomed and honored.

When you consult with me, you can look forward to viewing your question(s) from many different perspectives. During our session, we will mix in things like; Archetypal Energies, Angelic Guidance and Creative Thinking techniques – and more.

I look forward to meeting you.

Fees: 15 minutes is $25 / 30 minutes is $50 / 1 hour is $100

Gerry Reed is the newest reader at East West Bookshop. He will be in the store this Thursday, the 21nd, from 1-6 pm.