Alana and Mimi talk about living your life purpose and the creative process from a spiritual perspective, including the sacred feminine and the forces of light and dark we can encounter along the way. Alana shares some of her own cool dreams about Pegasus and the Black Madonna, and how turning to her dreams and spiritual guidance have helped to guide her along her path. We even pull some cards from one of her oracle decks! Alana Fairchild is a spiritual teacher, author, singer, composer, and well known oracle deck creator and will be in Seattle, WA on May 31 and June 1 at East West Bookshop.
At the broadest level, being psychic is to be alive. I believe that psychic or intuitive awareness is an aspect of every human being. But not every human being is skillful or adept at utilizing it. Some people have a very dim relationship to their intuitive nature, while others utilize their intuition all of the time but may or may not recognize it as such. Some people refer to their intuition as a hunch or following their gut. I see it as a skill, that anyone can develop.
My father would discuss medical oddities, like the couple who came to him with strange flash burns in the middle of winter, with a story about seeing a UFO on an isolated mountain. They had told no one else and had no reason to lie. Once, my father recounted a Scientific American article about how a virgin birth could occur. Another time, he told me he always knew when a patient was ready to die in the hospital because “they had that certain look in their eye.” One conversation always stuck with me, “A soul cannot just disappear. A soul is energy and by the laws of physics it cannot just disappear.” .
I was talking to an acquaintance the other day when I noticed he wore a beautiful yet different kind of a bracelet. It was an elastic one with large crystal beads like I had never seen before. I asked him what the beads were made of. He said, "Oh, they’re prayers." He seemed a bit hesitant to talk about it at first but then I showed him my necklace with several crystals. I told him how I really like stones and that I work with them in meditation and when I do Reiki. I said, "I always wear this necklace to remind me that I am still me, no matter what world I am in."
n the 21st century, one of our most significant symbols of money is the checkbook, and is a powerful book of revelation.Within a checkbook, we have a list of things that we have spent money on including who we give to, and perhaps more revelatory is who we do not. Essentially, this long list of bills, obligations, purchased pleasures, and contributions reveals who we are as an individual and our deepest values. So, in addition to money, the sign of Taurus is about getting in touch with our values.
The symbolism of the season is also impressing upon us that it’s time to grow. Whether that’s our physical bodies, projects, finances, or our health it takes time and patience, but if we sit back and let things grow and try not to fiddle with natural processes, our lives will grow beyond our expectations. The Sun makes only positive aspects throughout the month of May and this give us the power and motivation to make things happen. May is a great month for fertility-based spells (even pregnancy), financial spells, and general well-being spells.
This month East West Bookshop is joining Honey Candles as they celebrate their annual Bee Month. Several years ago Honey Candles decided to dedicate an entire month each year to celebrating all that bees do, recognizing their importance in our environment and looking for ways to help them thrive.
The reason why we say Coventry is where magic happens, because we use magic freely and often in our creative processes. We set up a sacred space to work in, choose our ingredients purposefully and pull in the energy of the earth, stars, planets and moon by making our candles during the most beneficial astrological time.
Although the most common connotation of the word friend might now be “a contact made through social networking,” the older and deeper sense of friend referred to someone who knows your inner-most self and truly cares for your soul. In that sense, a true friend is not simply someone who is “like-minded,” but rather someone who sees something genuine and meaningful in us. More than a peer or even a “close friend,” a friend of the soul is an intimate companion of one’s inner life.
As a tarot reader and intuitive energy healer, I am frequently asked about how I became intuitive. I wish that I could tell you a fun story about how I would talk to dead people when I was young or how I was always able to see people’s auras, but my story is not that exciting. It actually took me many years of learning and deep self-reflection to get to where I am today, to learn to trust my intuition and then open my mouth and tell people what information I was picking up on.
Miten: Deva and I have seen so many people benefited from chanting the mantras... The main thing for Deva and I is that we feel like we move around in our life on the wings of mantras and we really have a mission now to share what we feel to be amazingly precious healing vibrations.
Recently there has been a lot of buzz on the internet about white sage and palo santo—the two most popular smudging tools. From what I've read online, the majority of arguments say white sage is endangered and it is culturally inappropriate to use. Similarly with palo santo, many people are worried big corporations might be breaking rules by cutting down fresh young palo santo trees vs harvesting from dead fallen down trees (as its traditionally done). Before you jump on the fiery band wagon, its important to know what's really going on behind the scenes and to not get too fired up about passionate opinions on the internet.
Besides holding your stone of preference and meditating with it, or sleeping with it under your pillow, you can also receive a stone’s properties by making gem water and drinking it. The first time I made my gemstone water, my intention was to be able to focus and communicate very well. I was preparing for a particularly intense job I had the next day. It was such an amazing experience! After I drank it I felt like I had a shot of instant energy. I was super focused and could communicate perfectly. The feeling lasted all day long. Now I drink gem water whenever I want an extra boost.